Friendships Never Last A Second Generation +1;
Okay, my name the Ian Fox but you can call me FOX that's what my friends call me, i have lots of friend. That's cool. Today i will the you the secret on how to Preserve a Friendship :D I'm speaking in an AH-BENG accent BTW !
A friendship is like, a plant. You plant the seed by going up to a random person and saying : HI ! :D In 10-15 after having contact, if that person does not say more than 4 words to you, he doesn't want to be your friend. As for the germination stage, just like plants need air, water and suitable warmth to germinate, we need a friendly smile, happy-go-lucky attitude and a firm command of lame jokes.
For the photosynthesis stage, plants collect sunlight to make food, we collect information about the other person and as plants release oxygen into the air that is needed by every living being, we release our feelings to that other person to spark the best-friend factor.
Fruit producing stage. This is very much the final stage but I have one more stage that was specially thought for someone who is having problems. Continuing, the fruit producing stage is when the both of you stick together and produce something, literally. Both of you have become such close friends that both of you have produced a bond that cannot be broken. That bond is so strong even if something happens, some problems, it can ALWAYS be worked out.
Preserving the plant. This is actually how to maintain a solid friendship, just used a scientific term to make it sound cooler. preserving a friendship is very, very, very simple. You need 3 basic things.
1) Spark - The spark is only for the opposite sex, this spark is because it goes without saying, you WILL feel uncomfortable the first time you talk to someone the opposite sex. The spark is that special " POP " that goes off when you meet someone new, like in the Sims :D
2) A Topic to Talk About ALWAYS - Always have a topic prepared to talk about whenever you expect a friend about to talk to you. Stoning there is just plain wasting time. Ask about life and stuff, I learnt this from Claire :D
3) A Will To Be Friends With That Person - If you have a strong will to be a friend to that person, you will never, i mean never regret having talk to him/her in the first place. It always pays-off. There might be doubt and insecurity issues but there is always an obstacle or two to overcome.
That's all for today :D I lied to Jing Her just now. He asked me to dota then I told him that i wanted to go to the toilet :D I only did that to finish this post ! :D
Before you, I was just hanging out.
My days were all bland, no beauty.
Boredom seemed what life was all about.
Excitement meant going to a movie.
Then I fell in love with you, my body
Opened to a sudden rush of adrenalin, Trees turned into happiness, and all
The things I had forsaken made me cry.
The loves that fasten one to life grew strong:
You, the thought of seeing you, your touch,
My love for those I'd loved my whole life long,
Knowing, but not feeling it too much.
You brought my life to life, my love to flower,
Now love me well, and through me embrace your power.
Ian Fox is listening to Billie Jean - MJ :D